Then, the circle coverage redundancy determine is used on the other nodes. Different circle coverage redundancy determine methods are used on the network boundary nodes and non-boundary nodes respectively to ensure the boundary nodes get good sleep resulting in the decline of the network boundary redundancy ratio. The simulated result demonstrate that the improving sleep mechanism result in less number and more equal distribution of the network active nodes, which extend the network lifetime with the network coverage ratio retained.Based on the above process, discussing the node invalidation problem in the wireless sensor network reconfiguration, the concept and key question of restructure are expatiated. Based on this, an auto-fit sensor network restructure scheme is proposed. When the density of network redundant node is large, the sleep node awakening mechanism is adopted. When the density of network redundant node is small, the node moving mechanism based on Dijkstra arithmetic is adopted. The simulated result demonstrates that the reconfiguration scheme can repair the node invalidation network efficiently.